5.2. Component node

In ROS2, component nodes enable efficient resource management and modularity by allowing multiple nodes to be loaded into a single process, called a component container. Here’s an overview of setting up a component node and adding it to a container, both for a single node and through a launch.py file.

5.2.1. Creating a component node

To define a node as a component, the following steps are required:

  1. Create a node class: The node class should inherit from rclcpp::Node (C++) or Node (Python) and implement the core functionalities within it.

  2. Add plugin export: In CMakeLists.txt, export the node as a plugin by adding it to a component library using rclcpp_components. For example:

    # CMakeLists.txt
    find_package(rclcpp_components REQUIRED)
    add_library(my_component SHARED src/my_component.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(my_component PUBLIC rclcpp::rclcpp)
    ament_target_dependencies(my_component rclcpp rclcpp_components)
    rclcpp_components_register_nodes(my_component "mypackage::MyComponent")
  3. Declare the plugin in package.xml: Add the node as a plugin in the package manifest:

      <node plugin="mypackage::MyComponent" />

5.2.2. Loading a single node into a component container

To load a node directly into a component container, use the ComponentManager node. Run the command:

  ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container

Then load the component into this container with the load_component service:

  ros2 component load /ComponentManager mypackage my_component

Replace /ComponentManager with the actual name of your container, if different. 3. Adding Component Nodes via a Launch File In launch.py, you can define a component container and load nodes into it. Here’s an example launch.py file:

from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import ComposableNodeContainer
from launch_ros.descriptions import ComposableNode

def generate_launch_description():
    container = ComposableNodeContainer(
        executable='component_container_mt',  # use 'component_container' for single-threaded

    return LaunchDescription([container])


  • ComposableNodeContainer: This creates a component container to hold nodes. Use component_container_mt for multi-threading or component_container for - single-threaded operation.

  • ComposableNode: Specifies each component to load, with arguments for the package name, plugin type, and node name.

  • output: Set to ‘screen’ to display output in the terminal. Running the Launch File To run the launch file, use the command:

ros2 launch mypackage my_launch_file.launch.py

This starts the component container and loads the specified nodes into it, enabling efficient component management in ROS2.

5.2.3. Loading a launch.py into a component container

from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.conditions import UnlessCondition
from launch_ros.actions import Node, IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
import os

def generate_launch_description():
    bringup_dir = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('mypackage'))

    # Define the shared container name
    shared_container_name = "shared_nvblox_container"

    # Create the shared component container
    shared_container = Node(
        executable='component_container_mt',  # or 'component_container' for single-threaded

    # Include another launch file to attach nodes to the shared container
    orbbec_launch = IncludeLaunchDescription(
            bringup_dir, 'launch', 'sensors', 'orbbec.launch.py')]),
            'attach_to_shared_component_container': 'True',
            'component_container_name': shared_container_name

    # Declare any required launch arguments
    from_bag_arg = DeclareLaunchArgument(
        description='Condition to use data from a bag file'

    # Return LaunchDescription with shared container and nodes attached
    return LaunchDescription([from_bag_arg, shared_container, orbbec_launch])


  • shared_container_name: The name of the shared container, which other nodes can reference for attaching.

  • shared_container: Defines the shared container as a Node, using component_container_mt for multi-threading. This container will host multiple component nodes.

  • IncludeLaunchDescription: Loads and attaches nodes from another launch file (in this example, orbbec.launch.py) to the shared container.

    • launch_arguments: The arguments passed to the included launch file.

      • attach_to_shared_component_container: Set to 'True', specifying that nodes in orbbec.launch.py should be added to the existing shared container.

      • component_container_name: References the shared_container_name, linking nodes from the included launch file to the shared container.

    • condition: Only includes the orbbec.launch.py nodes in the shared container if the from_bag parameter is false.

Running the launch File

Execute the following command to start the launch file:

ros2 launch mypackage my_main_launch_file.launch.py

This command will start the shared component container and attach the nodes specified in orbbec.launch.py to it if the from_bag condition is not met.